book review: project hail mary

Do I despise Andy Weir? Yes I do. I hate him. How can his books BE THIS GOOD? What kind of inhuman storytelling ability does this guy possess? I really didn’t think The Martian could be topped. But this one JUST (just) edges it out. Because of Rocky. Rocky the alien is the best. He’s better than Wilson the volleyball, even.

I have it on good authority that I didn’t get the best experience with the book because I didn’t listen to the audiobook which supposedly has amazing audio effects for Rocky’s voice. So give that a shot if you’re into audiobooks.

This story unfolding from total amnesia, and the reader learning along with Ryland leads to so many fantastic reveals. Delight upon delight, and I’ve seen and read enough sci-fi to be delighted when he follows the right tropes just far enough and then throws in something totally new and unexpected.

The ending of this book…. I cannot possibly hint without spoiling, but this was probably one of the more satisfying endings I’ve ever enjoyed in a book. Fan.tas.tic.

Ryland’s voice is the same as Mark Watney, but it’s a hilarious voice, so I’m not complaining. I just think Weir lives via his characters in a unique way. The thought processes of their decision-making sequences make their mistakes so so so much more gratifying.

No one makes me laugh like Andy Weir. I honestly can’t read the books with other people in the room because they get mad at me for all my cackling and giggling.

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