Talking Bouquet

I love my garden. I love my flowers. And I have a habit of circling my garden several times a day, talking to my flowers. (Don’t worry, they don’t talk back!) My neighbor, poet Carolyn Magner, overheard this one day and was inspired to write this incredibly sweet poem. Please check out her other poetry here on Instagram.

Talking Bouquet


When blooming flowers first show their faces

In my neighbor’s garden,

Kelly squats to meet each at eye level.

She tickles Iris’s feathery bearded chin;

Cups Gerber’s round baby face in her hands;

Strokes Gladiola’s giraffe neck gently.

Welcome to my garden she says.

I’m so happy you’re here.


You probably think I’m crazy

When you hear me talking to them she says.

Not at all I reply.

They greeted you first.


– Carolyn Magner

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